MAKTEK Group Companies has been operating abroad since 1994 and export operations have a significant share in total business volume. Company has succeeded in bringing quality standards of production and technical service to the highest level and has many sales points abroad, especially the European Union countries for many years. MAKTEK export operations range from China to Chile to all over the world.
Maktek is one of the few companies that can produce and export both steel panel radiators and boilers hence providing a one stop solution for heating equipment wholesellers. Panel radiators, towel radiators, electric boilers, gas boilers and solid fuel boilers are the main export product groups of MAKTEK .
The company designs and develops special products suitable for the country conditions in which it operates.
Special packaging system of the export products, minimizes the harm that may occur during transportation. Products are passed through quality control and certified by independent notified bodies of each country where they would come into use.
Please send an email to for all inquiries about export operations and working conditions abroad.